Monday, September 12, 2016

Disabled and Surviving

Well, I have stayed away from blogging quite simply because we have enough people out there expounding their "vast" knowledge to the rest of us. I wanted to make sure that I had something to say that was worth something. It was while I was in the hospital here locally that it occurred to me that since I am more than a little disabled, I can check out different devices like certain cell phones, cases, hell, I'll review anything, and write about it. We have a ton of those sites, right???? Wrong, for disabled people it seems like the only place you get reviews or information is when you go to purchase something specific for a disabled person. Like I now have a power chair. lot of people have them, but when I looked out there, the only people really talking about them were the companies that were selling them, not the people actually using the things. I checked some out on my own and found that some move really fast, too fast for an inside environment, even after lowering the speed setting. Some are like sitting on rocks, some steer very hard. In the end I went with what my insurance carrier and Medicare said to go with, and while I do love the chair, its too large to throw in a trunk and weighs to much for anyone short of a weightlifter to be able to load in a vehicle. So check back here from time to time and I will write up about items that I use and have found to be particularly friendly to people with various disabilities.

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